Episode 16

The Rosetta Stone


May 21st, 2021

26 mins 4 secs

Season 2

Your Host

About this Episode

This week I'm on my own and talking about the Rosetta Stone. Not the overpriced software but the large slab of granite from which the software gets its name. I'll talk about why the stone was made in the first place and it's role in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture. I'll also talk about why should be returned to Egypt by the British Museum.


Edited and Mastered by James Reed


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Germ Theory by Jeremy Korpas | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbRZuQ5ampehni5RYpJlYOw
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Happy Mistake by RKVC | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCowgKeMGXKY038qwuf3yYlw
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